Have you ever had cranberries that did not come out of a can? If not, you are missing out! This cranberry sauce has only three ingredients including water, and is a delightful and easy way to enjoy a classic fall flavor. Gone will be the days of cranberries being a side dish for only Thanksgiving! Serves 8.
1 12 oz. bag fresh cranberries
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
Put all ingredients in a medium saucepan. Make sure there is room in the saucepan for sauce to 'bubble up' once it gets cooking. Put over medium-high heat.
Allow sauce to boil. After a while, you will hear the cranberries start to pop. Wait until the popping dies down, and continue to boil for 3 more minutes. Remove from heat, and allow to cool.
Cranberry sauce can be enjoyed hot or cold.